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Conference Registration

Conference Seating

Conference Participation Fee: 

  • 60€ if you are students and faculty members of Universidade Europeia and IPAM

  • 180€ for other situations


Conference Registration will only be validated upon the reception of proof of transfer to:

IBAN PT50 0018 000327805704020 07

Instituição | Institution
Universidade Europeia
Outro | Other
Sua Qualidade de Participante | Your Quality as a Participant
Docente ou docente Investigador |Faculty or faculty Researcher
Investigador / Estudante do Doutoramento | Researcher/PhD student
Outra (especificar) | Other (specify)
Para os almoços e coffee breaks, tem alguma restrição alimentar? | For lunches and coffee breaks, do you have any dietary restrictions?
Não | No
Sim (quais?) | Yes (specify):
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